Asbestos Removal Adelaide: Commercial Asbestos Removal

If you’re planning any renovations to your commercial structure, having it professionally inspected before beginning renovation would be prudent. A polarised light microscope test can identify whether building materials contain asbestos.

commercial asbestos removal AdelaideLoose asbestos can be extremely hazardous if inhaled directly, but encapsulation may provide protection. Locate licensed asbestos abatement experts near you to receive free, no-commitment estimates for asbestos removal services.


A professional inspection should be undertaken before renovating or repairing buildings containing asbestos. Commercial asbestos removal Adelaide can check for damage or decay in materials likely containing asbestos – such as tiles, siding, roof shingles, insulation etc – which might contain it. In some instances, they can be repaired without needing removal; if disturbance or removal are involved, a more comprehensive and expensive process may be needed.

As well as hiring an inspector, contractors should be licensed and trained in handling asbestos. Any work carried out must comply with federal, state, and local requirements and regulations; furthermore, proof of insurance and documentation showing all workers on the project have received training can also be requested from these professionals.

Commercial asbestos removal Adelaide should collect samples for analysis, which can be difficult when the material is disturbed. An accredited asbestos company should always take samples as touching them poses an increased health risk; thus, it’s wiser to leave this task to specialists like an asbestos company than a homeowner or construction worker. Having the results of tests interpreted by an industrial hygienist or safety supervisor independent of your contractor can also provide valuable insight.


Commercial asbestos removal Adelaide is required by law to have a designated substance survey conducted by an accredited asbestos company to detect any asbestos-containing material (ACM) within their building, to identify what needs to be removed, its location and how best it should be contained.

Repairs might be preferable over removal if the asbestos is undamaged and in good condition. Encapsulation involves covering it with thick sheets of plastic or another material to prevent fibres from being released into the air and could prove less expensive than removal; however, it must only be carried out by certified asbestos professionals.

At all times, qualified asbestos professionals must handle major repairs and removal of asbestos due to the risk of release of fibres into the atmosphere. Any work that disturbs material, such as sanding, sawing, scraping, drilling or rubbing the surface, can release fibre, posinge health hazards, including cancer.

Any work that might disturb asbestos must be conducted within an enclosed work area, and all precautions should be taken for its safe handling. All personnel entering this work area must wear protective clothing, masks and eye protection; additionally, all workers should complete a course equivalent to 16-hour EPA Operations and Maintenance course for asbestos workers before commencing any such projects.


Asbestos removal should only be undertaken by licensed abatement contractors trained to safely handle it and equipped with all necessary equipment, such as respirators and protective clothing. They should mark off and post notices indicating hazardous spaces; additionally, air ducts will be sealed while the HVAC system will be turned off during work to help avoid contamination of other building parts.

Asbestos is a naturally-occurring durable mineral used in homes and buildings as insulation, roofing, and other products until the early 1980s. However, asbestos has since been known to cause lung diseases like mesothelioma and asbestosis; furthermore, its fibres may be inhaled by employees or residents within homes or commercial spaces, necessitating professional handling when handling loose asbestos fibres in these environments.

Though asbestos can often be found in homes, removal should only occur in response to damage or water leakage signs. Homeowners should employ encapsulation methods in most instances and only attempt removal when necessary; there have been reports of unscrupulous asbestos companies encouraging unnecessary removals or performing them incorrectly, which increases health risks to your family; a licensed and insured asbestos abatement contractor must take on this job.


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